Y fydh yeth an werin ‘pop-up’ yn Chi Murdoch yn Resrudh dy’Gwener 25ves a vis Hedra rag tus nag yw freth (na hwath!). Dewgh ha kewsel Kernewek sempel, eva te po koffi ha dybri tesen dhentethyel war-barth. 10. 30 – 11.30 myttinweyth. Mars owgh hwi kowsoryon freth seulabrys, wolkom owgh ynwedh, heb mar! Mes kewsewgh yn lent mar pleg…
There’s be a ‘pop-up’ chat session in Cornish at Murdoch House in Redruth on Friday 25 October for people who aren’t (yet!) fluent in Cornish. Come and chat in simple Cornish, drink tea or coffee and eat delicious cake together. 10.30 – 11.30am. If you’re fluent speakers already, you’re also welcome of course! But speak slowly please…