What are your favourite activities? From talking a good game about your favourite sports to making a song and dance about your musical artistry, we’ve got you covered.

Click on the links below to hear the spoken Cornish.

Rugby Rugbi
Football Peldros
Cricket Krycket
Netball Pelros
Hockey Hocki
Tennis Tennis
Darts Sethigow
Pool Poll
Basketball Pelganstell
Karate Karate
Judo Judo
Piano Piano
Guitar Gitar
Violin Krowd
Bagpipes Pibow sagh
Harp Telyn
Bodhran Kroder kroghen
Drums Tabouryow
Bass Faborden
Saxiphone Saksofon
Whistle Hwibanowl
Trumpet Trompa


If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to learn the Cornish language, check out our Go Cornish course on the Decks by Memrise website.


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